
My Journey

My journey at Central Michigan University began in 2017 after 2 years at Delta College. I went to Delta right out of high school because I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life after school. At first I wanted to be a police officer, but then realized there was too much risk and not enough reward. Also with all going on today I would not want to be one.
After my decision to not go into Law Enforcement anymore, I began thinking about what else I could do, there was more in the criminal justice field or I could do something that I’m actually passionate about. I kept thinking about what that was though. I thought whenever I’m down, what will make me happy, the answer was sports. I wasn’t the best at playing them, but I am pretty great at talking about them.
I landed on wanting to become a sports broadcaster, that would be perfect for me. I found myself transferring to CMU ready to learn how to succeed this dream. Now I am on the brink of graduation and actually becoming an adult with a “big boy” career. I had some stuff set up for internships this past summer, but due to Covid-19 everything fell through.
I still have doubts about my future career in sports broadcasting but I’m building more of a basic knowledge of more than just sports to at least help me get a foot in the industry. I think knowing how to do more stuff behind the scenes will help along with improving my writing.
Moral of my story is even though you have doubts, keep following your dream. It’s okay to not know what you want at first, you always have time to find what you want to do with your life. Eventually I will graduate and I will get the career I want, but for now, I’m going to make the most out of my remaining time at Central.